Monday, December 22, 2008

Hi, my name is Becky and I'm a gameaholic...

Dishes are piling up in the sink, science experiments are growing in the corner of the shower, and the Christmas tree is still in its box in the basement - and what am I doing???? ... playing this goofy hamburger building game! I've played under my name, my sister and her sweetie's, all three of the dogs, and several friends - Marti is in the lead, Maynerd is a close second. I'm running out of names.

If you would like me to play under YOUR name, send me an email. Chances are I already have so I'll just send you your score.

Until then I'm off to look for my high school year book - there's that fuzzy haired red headed girl who sat behind me in biology who I'm sure will want to play - just can't remember her name...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

I Love Painting!

Believe it or not - two- count 'em TWO commissions for Christmas presents! The first picture is Hadley who LOVES Fancy Nancy. Maybe you can see her in the wings. What you can't see are all the sparkles and shimmers and positive affirmations written in the flowers.

The second is Jack and his grandmother sharing a picnic basket (one of their favorite things to do together) and sharing the affection they have for each other.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Thoughts Really are Things!

Nothing mystical about it. The Universe works just like a computer - what ever you program in, you manifest. Simple? YES! Easy? Not really.

I have learned over the past several years that changing my thinking really does change my life. I had to learn what to think, how to think, to believe and be consistent. Weed out the thoughts I don't want (some are familiar 'friends' and pretty hard to let go), and saturate my world with reminders of what I DO want.

Now, off on what seems like a tangent: Last summer, my good and lovely friend Tracy (who has a heart of gold and is just an all around wonderful person) expressed her desire to travel to Italy and take cooking classes. Well, needing a purpose to paint, I decided to make an artful, visual affirmation for her.

The first layer of paint has positive thoughts and prayers written on with the back end of a paint brush. You are able to see some of the impressions of script if you hold it just so. The next layer is a brush of pastel paints to create a background. Then the paper doll of Tracy (or at least the best I can do). Her wings are pages from an Italian cook book. She's eating a plate of pasta done with puff paint to give it texture. Written next to her left arm is "Tracy the Culinary Fairy". I added stencils, sparkles, and tissue paper cut outs. The final layer is melted bees wax to protect it, and make it smell real earthy and yummy.

Tracy keeps it in her office at work, and low and behold, I've started getting commissions to do other positive affirmation paintings! More pics in the future.