Monday, December 22, 2008

Hi, my name is Becky and I'm a gameaholic...

Dishes are piling up in the sink, science experiments are growing in the corner of the shower, and the Christmas tree is still in its box in the basement - and what am I doing???? ... playing this goofy hamburger building game! I've played under my name, my sister and her sweetie's, all three of the dogs, and several friends - Marti is in the lead, Maynerd is a close second. I'm running out of names.

If you would like me to play under YOUR name, send me an email. Chances are I already have so I'll just send you your score.

Until then I'm off to look for my high school year book - there's that fuzzy haired red headed girl who sat behind me in biology who I'm sure will want to play - just can't remember her name...


Terra said...

ROFLMAO. You are certainly welcome to play as me. Just play well. Still Laughing.

Becky said...

Terra, you played last October. Your score is $26,347 earning 3.68 stars, slightly above Bella.

You'll have the opportunity to improve your score after the waitress we had yesterday gets her chance. She really needs the practice and experience. What was her name?

Terra said...

I don't know her name but I am sure you could just call her SWEETY and she would be fine with it.

Bonnie said...

hahaha... You are welcome to use my name or if you have how did I do?? looks like fun.