Saturday, November 29, 2008


No pain, no gain - grab the Ben Gay and a heating pad for I spent last evening playing on the Wii at the Morley's house! What fun! Dinner was great! Turkey enchiladas (what else on Black Friday?) and all the diet Coke I could drink.

Maynerd and Bella were also invited. They had their friends to play with, a big back yard in which to run, and a bunch of new people to get to know, but true to insecure doggy form, they spent the evening trying to sit on me. On my lap, on my feet, on my shoulder, and on my head. I guess we need to watch fewer episodes of The Dog Whisperer and more Dr. Phil.

But that Wii! What a BLAST! I'm sure I need one just like I needed the PS2, VCR to Disk burner, or the Roomba (still in the box). Thinking, thinking, hmmmmmm........

Monday, November 17, 2008

Tribute to Chili

There is a lot of sadness in the doggy community this week. Bella's friend, Chili, made her transition this past weekend. She was very young and had been quite ill. We will remember Chile as an energetic little girl who stole the hearts of everyone she encountered with her smiles, kisses, and wagging tail.

I can imagine Beau greeting her along her journey as they both happily bounce around in their new happy home free of earthly boundaries.

Bless you Troy, Moe, and Kinsey. You made a wonderful home and family for little Chile.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Super Heros to the Rescue!

Faster than speeding bullets, Super Heros came to the aid of this scruffy mutt and her doggy family! Gretchen and the Beacon children raised $$ for the vet bills, and Bob with "He Who Shall Remain Nameless" are busy building an enclosed dog run!

Bella is doing GREAT, but Maynerd has cabin fever because his mommy dearest won't let him out to bark at fierce urban predators.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Super Heros! It's a wonderful feeling to know that the dogs will be safe ,and that I can continue to afford buying them dog chow. I am truly blessed to have you in my life!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Bye-bye Beau

As some may already know, Beau was in the yard at 5:00 AM Friday morning when a coyote jumped the fence and attacked him. Maynerd and Bella heard his screams, ran out and chased the coyote away. In her bravery, Bella was also attacked.

Beau made his transition at the emergency vet clinic after it was determined his injuries were too extensive to warrant any further rescuing. He was almost 19 years old and had been a very sweet and merry Bichon. It was heart breaking to see such a gentle guy experience such a violent and frightening end.

Bella had her wounds cleaned and dressed, and was released at noon with pain pills and antibiotics. She is doing fine.

Maymay leads a charmed life, and was untouched. He misses Beau and searches the house for him and nurses Bellas wounds.

Where, oh where is my little dog now?

Friday, November 7, 2008

These are NOT real angels!

Real angels don't wear flowing white gowns and carry heavenly instruments. They wear blue jeans, T-shirts, and tennis shoes, and carry a lot of keys. They don't fly with feathery wings, but drive everywhere they go. Sometimes they have sports logos stuck to their SUVs and sometimes they don't.

Real angels don't always come when you want them, but always appear when you need them! Usually in the most unusual of places and at the most ungodly of hours!

Real angels don't bring you manna, they buy you breakfast, gift certificates, and doggy clothes.

Real angels don't have names like Theliel, or Vequaniel, or Muriel. They have names like Terra, Vicki, and Marta.

I know I must be in Heaven, because I see angels everywhere.

Fairies? Now THAT'S a different story!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

My Suziblus!

Finally something to write about!

I'm so honored that Dr. Tracy asked me to draw the pictures representing the teachers for the office bulletin board!

It was a lot of fun!

Third graders also made flying SuziBlu dolls in their own image to hang on the 3rd grade door.