Saturday, November 15, 2008

Super Heros to the Rescue!

Faster than speeding bullets, Super Heros came to the aid of this scruffy mutt and her doggy family! Gretchen and the Beacon children raised $$ for the vet bills, and Bob with "He Who Shall Remain Nameless" are busy building an enclosed dog run!

Bella is doing GREAT, but Maynerd has cabin fever because his mommy dearest won't let him out to bark at fierce urban predators.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Super Heros! It's a wonderful feeling to know that the dogs will be safe ,and that I can continue to afford buying them dog chow. I am truly blessed to have you in my life!


Bonnie said...

The news about our world is so depressing it's so uplifting to hear that wonderful people come to the aide of a wonderful person like you! I hope it eases your pain a little to know so many people care about and love you.

Terra said...

Becky, I love reading what you write. you should write more.