I'm loving the new look Terra is giving the Bec Blog! It features one of my most favorite projects as a topper. Thanks Terra - you certainly have an artist's eye for design. I think it even makes me look thinner!
Well, getting down to business, all tests have been taken and decisions have been made. The oncologist and surgeons strongly suggest that a bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction is in my best interest. I have a history of breast cancer and it's time to tell the girls good-bye. During surgery they will biopsy the lymph nodes for cancer. If they find nothing, it's reconstruction as planned, life is good, and I'll never have to have a mamo again! If they do find any, reconstruction is postponed until after chemo and radiation. But, given the type of cancer I bred, I seriously doubt that will happen. I have been blessed.
Cancer is a serious subject and I don't take it lightly. All of us have been touched by cancer in our lives. A friend, a loved one, a teacher, neighbor, and possibly even oneself. It's scary. It's sad.
I'm making choices. My choices. The Norman Cousins approach. The almost 40 years of studying conversational metaphysics approach. I intend to laugh myself to wellness, whether the healing manifests on this planet or transcends to another level. I'm not making light of dis-ease, I'm making light of my situation, looking for the positive, and being aware of my blessings. I hope friends and readers pop in here occasionally and leave me, if nothing else, a smile.