Sunday, November 9, 2008

Bye-bye Beau

As some may already know, Beau was in the yard at 5:00 AM Friday morning when a coyote jumped the fence and attacked him. Maynerd and Bella heard his screams, ran out and chased the coyote away. In her bravery, Bella was also attacked.

Beau made his transition at the emergency vet clinic after it was determined his injuries were too extensive to warrant any further rescuing. He was almost 19 years old and had been a very sweet and merry Bichon. It was heart breaking to see such a gentle guy experience such a violent and frightening end.

Bella had her wounds cleaned and dressed, and was released at noon with pain pills and antibiotics. She is doing fine.

Maymay leads a charmed life, and was untouched. He misses Beau and searches the house for him and nurses Bellas wounds.

Where, oh where is my little dog now?


Terra said...

oh, I am crying all over again. What a nice post to remember Beau! He was a lucky boy.

Terra said...

came back to watch again. I guess I am a gluten (sp) - Thank you for posting this.

Becky said...

Thank you Terra. It's nice to have a place to express and share.

Bonnie said...

Becky, what a beautiful tribute to Beau. The boys send there condolences also. They were sad for you and Beau. How is Bella doing? I bet Bella and Meynard miss him too.

Beth said...

Becky, Your tribute is very touching and I am so sorry for your loss. When we lost a dog a few years ago I remember for days I would expect to be greated at the door, or look down at my feet to see my friend, and when it didn't happen all the sadness would come rushing back. I am thinking of you. Beth

Becky said...

Thank you Beth. We all know when we choose to adopt those big brown puppy eyes that a sad day will eventually arrive. It's all those days of doggy love and kisses that make it worth while.

Anonymous said...

Hi Becky -I'm just getting into blogging...I saw your link on my sisters blog (Bonnie), so I thought I'd check it out. I'm so sorry to read about Beau...It sounds like Beau had a great long life!!

Becky said...

I'm so happy to meet a sister of Bonnie's! She is a very special lady and a wonderful friend. Thank you for your kind words about Beau. AND congratulations on your new baby!!